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Private treatment: Yoga, sound healing, Reiki and Body fitness
Agnese Huntington
Adults fitness nutritionist & coach

Agnese have been in the fitness industry for the last 7 years. She help busy individuals to get back in shape.

She have been on a weight loss journey, on a post natal recovery journey and journey to the stage. She know how it feels when you really want to achieve something and you just need a little push from the side, to get you moving.

Agnese driving force and her absolute belief is that the key to success is the commitment and passion you apply on your journey.

Reem Ismail
Certified Yoga Instructor, Pilates instructor & Sound healer

Reem Ismail is Palestinian, born and raised in UAE. She has completed her 200 hours yoga teacher training in 2019 and have been teaching since.

Whether you are looking for a Hatha class, a power Vinyasa class, or a Yin Yoga class, she is here to help you. While yoga has the obvious benefits of a stronger, flexible, and generally, more vital body, the main benefit of yoga is increasing, your life force energy, balancing the chakras and overall wellbeing.

You will leave the class uplifted and feeling better. Yoga meets you where you are and leaves you with a higher sense of wellbeing and balance. As a certified sound healer, Reem also offer sound healing sessions whether with a yoga practice or individually.

Sound is considered one of the most potent tools to balance the body and bring it back to its natural state. Her role will be to prepare your internal environment for healing, and through that creating the space for healing to occur on all levels of your being.


Samah Badran
Reiki Master Healer and Therapist

Samah is a Shamanic Reiki Master Healer who has been practicing Reiki for over 10 years.

Her journey began when she started practicing on herself and then one by one, she learned each next level of Reiki, continuing until she completed the master level.

During her sessions, Samah focuses on empowering all people to be active participants in their own wellbeing through Reiki healing sessions and feel satisfied and grateful to those who give her the chance to help them heal.

Samah do Reiki healing for relationships, health, financial growth, and business growth. She promotes positivity and reduces depression.

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