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Welcome to Elan Members Platform (EMP),
By way of introduction, my name is Jihan and I am the founder of EMP…

I’ve learned through life experience that facing challenges make you stronger and we grow every time we overcome a fear, experience or achieve something hard… We don’t realize it at that moment until you come out on the other side and you say to yourself “Wow! I really stepped up and overcame the challenge!”

Always remember: Your efforts and hard work won’t just appear from nowhere, you will have to practice and commit yourself, to put your energy into it and to be disciplined; and specially to never give up! Because you don’t just wake up one morning and you suddenly become who you wish to be.

Today, I need to embrace what comes hard, and today I need you to accept the challenge and to fall in love with the process, because if you’re going to reach your destiny; you have to be focused and determined.

Today I want you to adopt the attitude of “If I have to believe my whole life, I am NOT going to stop believing. I am not going to take no for an answer and I am not going to settle for mediocrity and will keep pursuing what I put in my heart”

EMP is purposely founded to help you answer THAT question, lightening up your life path by identifying your ultimate life goals and guiding you to achieving them.

We want you to understand that you CAN DO IT and you are NOT ALONE. We will be here to support you wherever and whenever needed on your life journey.

Jihan Malmi
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