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Personal Fashion Styling

The look is what we often first notice and it is what creates your first impression at work, with friends and even with strangers. In fact, having a personal fashion style helps you having a positive impression of you every day, even to yourself.

Our physical appearance and self-esteem are closely linked, as our perception of how we look can have a big impact on the value we place on ourselves and how much self-confidence we have in our day-to day lives.

EMP offers its members personalized (one-on-one) training with selected and experienced personal stylists who has a natural talent for fashion, spotting trends and putting together outfits, purposely to help you look and feel at your best.

The personal stylists will advise you what colours and styles work best based on your body types, ages, professions, and budgets.

Their expertise is not limited to just clothing, though but also review hair and makeup choices to ensure you are not only is fashionably coordinated, but that your own personality shines through the style choices.

To book your private makeup classes, please contact us

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